Sunday, June 28, 2009

San Jose Heritage Rose Garden

Hope you enjoy the slide show of image from the San Jose Heritage Rose Garden

Monday, June 22, 2009

CAST 52A Flash Project

My flash project can be viewed at

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Companies are Embracing the "Blog"

I am really glad that we were introduced to blogging in COIN 63. Since blogging seems to be the new trend that companies are incorporating into their websites, it is an increasingly important technology to embrace and understand. I know many people in the hotel industry, and I can say that as they go to their annual conferences, one of the topics now being discussed by the speakers is how blogs are being used to interact with customers, gain customer loyalty, and to drive traffic to their websites and booking engines. although the webmaster does not need to create each new post, they do need to set the framework and offer support to those doing the posting.

My Blogging Experience

This is my first experience with blogging but I have really enjoyed the blogging assignment. Typically when I have something to share I send out a blast email to friends. Now I can post my thoughts in my blog along with pictures that I want to share. I then invite friends to view my blog (using email). Although I have not yet had much feedback on my blog, I have had verbal feed back from friends saying that they enjoy reading the blogging format more then reading emails and feel that the blog is a bit more engaging and interactive. At about the same time that I created the blog, I decided to enroll in Facebook. I have to say that the blog gives me more flexibility than Facebook in how I create new postings. Once the Quarter ends, I plan to continue using my blog to keep in contact with friends and family.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bella's Puppies

View the slide show of Bella's Puppies by clicking here

A friend of mine (Shauna Soberanis) has puppies that are available for adoption. They are 6 months old and they are 7/8 poodle with loose white curls. Call 408-569-2255 for more info.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Aardvark Blogging Friday

As I was capturing this image at Mission San Luis Rey, a black cat crossed my path, which I consider to be lucky. Had this cat not crossed my path, I would not have an image to post for Aardvark Blogging Friday. (Although, because it was NOT an Aardvark, I suppose you might say it was unlucky, since I still have yet to post on image of an Aardvark.)

Marisa McLaughlin's High School Graduation

Marisa McLaughlin's High School Graduation
Please enjoy the slide show of Marisa McLaughlin's Graduation.

Click here to view slide show.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Aardvark Blogging Friday

Debb Deacy's dogs
I still could not find any images of an Aardvark, but my friend Debb sent me a few images of her dogs this morning. The small one is named Nessa and is 7/8 toy poodle. Behind Nessa is Kayla and in the forground is Dale. Dale is a disabled shelter dog that she adopted earlier this year. Dale is deaf, which made it difficult for the shelter to find him a home. Debb drove Arizona to pick him up.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

COIN 63 Blogging Podcast

I hope you enjoy my first podcast. Click HERE

Source Referenced:

Friday, May 29, 2009

Aardvark Blogging Friday

Okay, she's not an Aardvark but I hope that you enjoy the image anyway.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Slide Show

I just added a slide show on the right hand column. I captured these images over the last few years during my visits to various missions, presidios and adobes.

Please enjoy,

John B Alexander

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My first post


Welcome to my web log and thank you for reading my first blog post. I have known about blogging and social media for a while now but I have never really delved into it until now. Why change now? Well.., as I strive to reinvent myself, broaden my skills and shift the direction of my career towards online media, it just makes sense that I use online media to network and connect with my peers, colleagues, professors, and persons of inspiration.

Thank you for reading my first Blog,

John B. Alexander