Friday, May 29, 2009

Aardvark Blogging Friday

Okay, she's not an Aardvark but I hope that you enjoy the image anyway.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Slide Show

I just added a slide show on the right hand column. I captured these images over the last few years during my visits to various missions, presidios and adobes.

Please enjoy,

John B Alexander

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My first post


Welcome to my web log and thank you for reading my first blog post. I have known about blogging and social media for a while now but I have never really delved into it until now. Why change now? Well.., as I strive to reinvent myself, broaden my skills and shift the direction of my career towards online media, it just makes sense that I use online media to network and connect with my peers, colleagues, professors, and persons of inspiration.

Thank you for reading my first Blog,

John B. Alexander